Personal Protection Orders/PPO Violations
A Michigan personal protection order (PPO) is issued to protect an individual who has been injured in a domestic dispute or who feels threatened by someone, often a spouse or domestic partner. If a PPO has been issued against you, the consequences can be severe.
Although a PPO is considered a civil action, an individual is committing a criminal offense if he or she violates a PPO. It is important to contact an experienced attorney if you have been named as a respondent in a PPO.
Because Sonia Cannon is experienced in both prosecuting and defense, we are able to represent a person if they need a PPO or a person who a PPO is being sought after. PPO’s should not be treated lightly by any party. Unfortunately, too many people use PPO’s as a way to threaten or harass and/or to gain leverage on a divorce case. By the same token, domestic violence is rampant in our society. There are also cases involving bullying, revenge porn and internet harassment. Please contact our office so we can review your case.